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Animal Characteristics

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Animal Characteristics Empty Animal Characteristics

Post  Amberpelt Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:42 pm

Bat (fruit/vampire): Often confused. Bad vision, pinched up nose, eats fruit or blood, has pointy bat ears, and can fly.
Bear: Aggressive when approached unless family/mate. Leathery hands, short hair, and bear ears. (Hair can be dark or light colored)
Buffalo: Calm until challenged. Long, dark haired.
Bull: Aggressive towards new people and bigger species. Short hair with bull horns.
Butterfly: Excitable and likes taunting others by climbing high. Antennae are on head, multi-colored, and can fly.
Camel: Likes to make fun of those who annoy them. Hunched over with light hair and floppy camel ears.
Cat: Pointy ears, long and flexible tail, whiskers, sharp canines; either lethargic or frisky personality, very loving.
Chicken: Easily startled but runs to what it likes. Feathery hair and a red thing on their chin.
Chinchilla: Calm but is very nocturnal. Gray or white fluffy hair with chinchilla ears and tail.
Crab: Hides from those who are bigger but is very tough. Shuffles its feet when it walks, and has very strong arms.
Crocodile: Aggressive and loves to fight over everything, possessive. Looks scaly with dark eyes.
Dog: Short or floppy ears, short or long tail, small or droopy eyes; either lethargic or energetic personality, talks quickly with high frequency or slowly with low frequency.
Dolphin: Cheerful and curious. Dolphin fin on back and long nose.
Donkey: Laid-back but able to accomplish work. Long floppy donkey ears and tail.
Dove: Peaceful and caring. Light colored hair or skin, feathery hair, and can fly.
Eagle: Intelligent, responsible, and a good leader. Feathery dark hair, long nose, and can fly.
Salt/fresh water fish: Quick to run from others, and when hungry, will attempt to eat other fish. Fins on sides of body and fishy lips.
Flamingo; long nose, feathered and pink tail; fast runner, good balance on one leg, likes to eat shrimp.
Fox: Sneaky, loves to trick people. Red, fluffy hair, with fox ears and tail.
Frog: Calm and likes to hide. Colorful, scaly, and jumps/climbs high.
Giraffe: Calm and group focused. Long necked, tall with blond or brown hair, tons of freckles, and giraffe horns.
Goat: Calm and very repetitive. Very long hair with goat horns.
Guinea pig: Excitable and cheerful. Furry with any colored hair and big teeth.
Hawks: Tends to concentrate on the big goal. Feathery dark colored hair, long nose, and can fly.
Hedgehog: Scared, nocturnal, and curious. Spiked hair in many different shades with some quills on back.
Hippo: Large nostrils, very chubby, short pointy tail; loves mud baths, slow and lethargic.
Horses; short and pointy ears, long and bushy tail, small and squared teeth; fast runner, tall, and a good racer, very strong and has a good sense of balance.
Jaguar: Ferocious and ready to challenge anyone, but might use sneak attacks. Black haired with black jaguar ears and tail.
Kangaroo: Jumps faster than runs and hides stuff in pockets. Long feet, light colored hair, and kangaroo ears.
Koala: Slow but caring towards others. Fluffy gray hair and a pinched in nose.
Ladybug: Sweet but strong body. Spots on body with antennae and can also fly.
Lemur: Active and caring towards others. Many different colored with fluffy hair.
Leopard: Lithe, strong, and ready to charge at others. Lightly colored with tons of freckles and leopard ears and tails.
Lion: Ferocious but caring toward family and same species. Fluffy hair (looks like mane) with lion ears and tail.
Lizard: Agile and good at climbing. Small with tough, scaly, skin and lizard-like eyes.
Mice: Scared, curious, and prefers to hide. Long mouse tail and ears.
Monkey: Curious, excited, can be annoying, and is a very good climber. Monkey tail and ears.
Moose: Laid back personality. Brown hair with moose ears and a pair of big moose antlers.
Narwhal: Dark or shiny skin, dark eyes, and a long horn on forehead; either aggressive or sweet personality
Orca: Dark skinned with light colored hair
Ostrich: Prefers to not be the center of attention, likes to hide. Long necked with feathery hair and random bald spots.
Owl: Intelligent but when confused, asks straightforward questions. Likes to look around, can fly, and has big eyes with a hooked nose.
Pandas: Short and rounded ears, pale in places, darker around the eyes, short and stubby ears; loves to eat, moderately chubby, and sweet.
Parrot: Can fly and repeats others and itself, often. Bird eyed and very colorful with a hooked nose.
Penguin: Very calm, waddles and even dawdles everywhere. Very pale with dark colored hair on arms.
Pig: Likes to be relaxed and lazy. Pink pig ears and curly tail with a pinched up nose.
Pigeon: Gossips about others, can fly, and can be laid back. Hooked nose, dark colored, and small eyed.
Rabbits: Long and rounded ears (either floppy or straight up), short and rounded fluffy tail, whiskers; fast runner, excellent sense of hearing, and jumpy personality.
Rats: Hungry and loves to be bothersome. Rat ears and tail, good nose, short hair, and big teeth.
Rhino: Long and sharp horn on nose, short and pointy tail; very aggressive, lethargic yet very fast when it comes to enemies, short tempered.
Sea lion: Aggressive when around different species. Chubby with coarser skin and dark skin and hair.
Shark: Calm until agitated which causes great fury. Sharp teeth, fin on back, and harsher skin.
Sheep: Scared, curious, and laid-back about life. Light colored with curly/puffy hair.
Spider: Scares people by accident, can be helpful, and can climb well. Furry arms and legs, four arms, and good eyesight.
Squirrel: Hyper, likes to run everywhere, and likes to bother others. Fluffy with brown hair and squirrel ears and tail.
Tiger: Ferocious, secretive, climbs well, and can hide. Tiger ears and tail, striped all over body, and sharper teeth.
Toucan: Quietly majestic with colors. Hooked nose, feathery colorful hair, and can fly.
Turkey: Scares others randomly, aggressive, and loves to strut even if they’re not the best. Red gabble on their head and feathery hair.
Turtle: Slower/shuffles when walks and has stronger build. Has a resistant body and has turtle eyes.
Vulture: Hungry, can fly, and enjoys taunting others. Neck is hunched with flabby skin and dark hair.
Whales: Relaxed and bigger than others. Fatter and stronger than most and big lipped.
Wolves: Short and pointy ears, long and bushy tail; excellent sense of smell, prefers to be with others rather than to be independent.
Yak: Relaxed but dangerous when frightened. Has yak horns and long dark colored hair.
Zebra: Fast and easily frightened. Long and thin tail with bushy black fur on the end.


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Join date : 2010-07-10
Age : 27
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